Branding — Youth local banks

Youth Banks are youth-led funds that provide
funds to support projects written by young people that focus on solving a specific problem in the local community.

The project initially takes place in three Skopje municipalities: Karposh, Aerodrom and Gjorche Petrov.



— symbol of municipality, community, affiliation


— symbol of utilizing
potential energy



— symbol of municipality, community, affiliation


— symbol of utilizing
potential energy


The main element of the symbol is the shield, which symbolizes belonging to a certain community. The three shields represent the three municipalities in which the project will be implemented.

By organizing the municipalities and focusing on one topic, a windmill appears in the negative space, symbolizing the utilization of the potential and energy of young people.

The symbol with its simple geometric shapes and their overlapping evokes a sense of organization, cohesion and belonging.


The three colors represent the three municipalities in which the project takes place. The color gives a young spirit to the symbol and gets closer to the target group.

Utilizing color as a graphic element will help to differentiate the municipalities when visually communicating a certain call, announcement or report.